State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report

This State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report (SAMBR) is the first integrated reporting outcome from the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP). The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) (Meltofte 2013) provides the fundamental baseline to make trend assessments in…

Arctic Biodiversity Assessment: Marine Ecosystems Chapter

Arctic marine ecosystems host a vast array of over 2,000 species of algae, tens of thousands of microbes and over 5,000 animal species, including unique apex species such as the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and narwhal (Monodon monoceros),…

Arctic Biodiversity Assessment: Disturbance, Feedbacks and Conservation Chapter

Humans disturb the environment in various ways, notably from industrial development and other activities in formerly pristine areas. Components of the earth system affect one another in a web of feedbacks, including between ecosystems and climate. Conservation is…

Framework for a Pan-Arctic Network of Marine Protected Areas

This framework for a pan-Arctic network of marine protected areas (MPAs) sets out a common vision for international cooperation in MPA network development and management, based on best practices and previous Arctic Council initiatives. This framework aims to…

Arctic Legacy

The Arctic region contains vast undisturbed ecosystems and unique species and cultures. Human-induced climate change, however, is disproportionately impacting this region and providing an early warning of profound changes that will affect our planet for many years to…

The Ecosystem Approach to Management of Arctic Marine Ecosystems

The ecosystem approach to management has been described as a ‘strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way’ (UN Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD).…

Arctic Marine Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan addresses both short-term and long-term challenges and opportunities, through forty Strategic Actions comprised under four Strategic Goals: Goal 1: Improve knowledge of the Arctic marine environment, and continue to monitor and assess current and future…

Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework

Alaskan Inuit food security is the natural right of all Inuit to be part of the ecosystem, to access food and to care-take, protect and respect all of life, land, water and air. It allows for all Inuit…

Arctic Biodiversity Assessment: Disturbance, Feedbacks and Conservation

Humans disturb the environment in various ways, notably from industrial development and other activities in formerly pristine areas. Components of the earth system affect one another in a web of feedbacks, including between ecosystems and climate. Conservation is the…

Important Ecological Marine Areas in the Arctic

Arctic marine ecosystems have experienced profound and rapid changes over the past several decades. These changes have spurred a variety of efforts to evaluate ecologically important marine areas in the Arctic and to examine the need for conservation…